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Memo-General Manager

Stillhouse Lake, our water source, remains nearly full heading into spring.  KWSC is anticipating a high usage summer and should be able to easily provide water for all members with the upgrades we did last year.  We have identified future sources of water and plan to take advantage of those sources when the time comes.  Our current capacity is sufficient for our needs, but we will have to continue to upgrade the plant, storage tanks, and distribution system.  We will have challenges, as we always do, but I am confident we have staff in place that can handle any that come our way. 

As the state and regulatory agencies become stricter, KWSC will have compliance issues that will need to be taken care of in a timely manner.  These are anticipated and projects are planned to take care of those issues as they come. 

We continue to work with our wholesale customers and remain hopeful we can resolve some complex issues that plague Kempner Water with income-based shortfalls from wholesale water contracts. 

Our goal remains to keep the water flowing, maintain all the equipment, plan for the future, and stay in compliance with all state and regulatory agencies.