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Boil Water Notice-Explanation

Boil Water Notice-Explanation:

The distribution system has been fighting chlorine residuals that have fallen below the state mandated .5mg/L residual allowed in the system.  KWSC decided to issue a Boil Water Notice when we could not get the residuals up with continuous flushing of over 470 sites.  The State of Texas mandates that we do this.  Our system has low residuals because of the lake conditions from the flooding in May.  These conditions have made the water difficult to treat with our water treatment plant; specifically, the manganese, ammonia, and the pollution in the lake (pesticides, fertilizers, oil, dead animals, and other flood related material).  The cold water from the river pouring in and mixing with the warm lake water caused the lake to turn over and release settled manganese from the lake bottom.   Manganese, a naturally occurring mineral, is causing the color problems, nitrification is causing the odor, and pollution in the lake is causing the chlorine demand to be 4 times what it usually takes to treat the water.  In June, we started a Free Chlorine conversion and Central Texas Water Supply Corporation did not have enough chlorine residual in their treated water to meet state standards.  This lowered the chlorine levels going into the system causing pockets of low chlorine residual.  Our water from the KWSC plant and water from WCID1 is blended and then mixes with CTWSC’s water at our 195 tank.  Our system is huge with 400+ miles of pipeline that all must be maintained and flushed out if water conditions are not perfect.  In this situation, we must look at the safety aspect of whether the water is safe to drink and whether we are meeting state mandated residuals.

On the Salmonella rumors.  There have been 4 cases of Salmonella in the Kempner area.  A member suggested they got it from Kempner Water.  The Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) got an order from the state health department to investigate KWSC because we had recently gone to a Boil Water Notice.  The TCEQ checked the water, the pressures, the chemistry of the water, the bacteria (none found), and looked for possible backflows that could cause contamination.  None were found.  This is the very reason we require Customer Service Inspections for back flow prevention from irrigation, or when we suspect any kind of backflow into our closed system.  The TCEQ did find pockets of water that fell below state standards in regard to chlorine residuals.  This was specifically the reason KWSC had already issued a Boil Notice prior to their arrival and subsequent investigation. 

To address the many questions about refunds, compensations, or discounts on your water bills due to the complications, our answer is this.  KWSC is a corporation with bills to pay much like every household.  To lose revenue at a critical time such as this would only make solving the issues much more difficult if not impossible.  We understand our members are frustrated and only ask that you give us time and consideration while we work tirelessly to restore your water service to an acceptable and palatable standard. 

Thank you for taking the time to hear us out.  If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@kempnerwsc.com or (512)932-3701 or (254)547-9430.