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Memo-General Manager

Good afternoon.  Kempner Water Supply Crews are out flushing all water lines to maintain good residuals (chlorine levels) in the system.   You may notice hydrants running that appear unmonitored, but we flush multiple locations at a time and will come back to each one and turn them off.   If you feel as though your water is unsafe, please call us and we will come to test the water in your area.  KWSC is following all state standards and checks residuals throughout our system daily even though the state requirement is weekly.  Every month, we do bacteriological samples that are turned over to a lab for testing, also a state requirement.  We also test the water coming out of the plant every 5 minutes to ensure a quality product is entering the distribution system.  

KWSC flushes at over 430 sites in our extremely long system.  We own 400 miles of pipeline making the second largest rural water systems in the state.  It takes 8 days for water to get from our plant to our furthest member with the longest distance being 38 miles from plant to residence.  During peak demand seasons, we produce 8 million gallons a day (MGD) with winter months demanding 3 MGD.  An astonishing 70% of water used during peak season goes on the ground through irrigation systems.

The distribution system is monitored by a SCADA controlled system that allows us to see tank levels and chlorine residuals on a constant basis.  This includes a very sophisticated system of alarms that tell us when something is wrong.  Even with all these checks and technology, it is not a perfect system and things do go wrong sometimes. We make every attempt to keep everyone informed about major happenings, the best way to help with this is to always make sure your contact information is up to date with the KWSC office.

We have an excellent staff that is running this Corporation in an efficient manner.  If you want to learn what goes on and would like a better understanding, please attend our board meetings held on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 6 P.M. Following the rules put in place by the Texas Open Meetings Act helps us to ensure a productive and informative meeting is had.  Please remember our Board Members are also Members of this Corporation and volunteer their time to work with us and for the Membership.