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Memo- June 10, 2024


General Manager:

The recent rainfalls have resulted in the lake rising over 30 feet and the dam releasing 1.2 billion gallons per day to keep the lake from flooding.  We are aware that Kempner and the other producers on the lake have “colored water” due to multiple factors.  When cold water (rain and runoff) mixes with the warm lake water, the lake starts to “turn over”.  This means the layers in the lake start moving up and down causing turbidity and algae bloom.   This, combined with the silt and debris that is pouring into the lake from the Lampasas River, causes discoloration in treated water.  To remove that color, the water would need expensive treatment costs like carbon filtration, reverse osmosis, or ozonation; however, the water will clear up as soon as the lake settles.  Rest assured, the water in your pipes meets all state standards and is safe to drink.

Good news! We have plenty of water for now and into the near future (barring any further drought conditions).  Ideally, we would be able to capture all the water the dam is being forced to release but the Brazos River Authority (BRA) controls that and would need more lakes and reservoirs in the future to capture that run off. 

Ultimately, we are in a much better position than this time last year and we look forward to providing all of our Members with safe and palatable drinking water long into the future.