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Memo: Plant Construction. See website for further details.


From: General Manager-Kempner Water Supply

The extension on the lower intake is complete and the plant will not have to be shut down for the foreseeable future.  Construction at the plant continues with installation of a new microfiltration rack, new strainers, and the WCID1 (Water Control Improvement District) interconnect.  The interconnect with WCID1 and the new strainers are expected to be complete in 2-3 weeks and the new racks should be completed in the first week of October.

These additions should double our water production capacity but without rain to replenish Lake Stillhouse we may be looking at continued water shortage.  We will remain in Stage IV Water Conservation Measures and evaluate once we get some rain. 

We understand the continued conservation measures are frustrating for many of our members and times are hard.  Please know Kempner Water Supply continues to do its very best to provide your water service.

Again, thank you to those who have been conserving and continue to do so.  It is working.


Bruce Sorenson

General Manager